I love curriculum fairs...I get giddy when I walk into the vendor hall. I found some really great new ideas for next year and a few old stand byes. Next year will be a new venture into the homeschool world as my daughter stays home for grade 9. Highschool, a whole new world! Exciting and feels like starting first year again. For grade 5 son, I found a great new art program and for him that's huge. I also found a 4 season nature journal curriculum to completement the science we'll be co-oping with 2 other boys from our group. It looks like fun too. One huge disappointment was penmanship. I've used quite a few programs over the years and was saddened to find nothing new in the world of penmanship for boys. My son being the artist that he is, can reproduce anything and make it look nice, but, he can't read it. He's having trouble making it make sence in his mind, so I'm going to make up my own program for him. One letter at a time.
And for highschool we begin a Hobbit study and Romeo and Juliet study. It'll be a full year. I'm going to handle it by staying on terms instead of semesters. I don't like semesters anyway, not having math every semester is a disaster. So exciting times of planning ahead.
For a very boy-friendly and innovative handwriting program,
try Barchowsky Fluent Handwriting at http://www.BFHhandwriting.com or
Getty-Dubay Handwriting at http://www.cep.pdx.edu/titles/italic_series/faq.shtml
Thankyou so much!!! I'll look at these.
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